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Your Situation is about to CHANGE! November 19, 2019

Writer's picture: Angela BrooksAngela Brooks

Updated: Feb 26, 2023

John 11:4 - When Jesus heard that, He said, "This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might by glorified thereby.

Verse 6 - When he had heard therefore he was sick, he abode two days still in the same place where he was.

Verse 34 - and said, where have ye laid him? They said unto him, Lord come and see.

When Lazarus died and they sent for Jesus to come see about him, he stayed two extra days where He was, and came on the scene on the 4th day; (due to the Jewish custom that a person spirit would come back to life in 3 days; so, Jesus deliberately waited to bring Lazarus back from the dead until he had been in the tomb four days). It may have appeared that life for Lazarus was over with, but the fact of the matter is, his life was about to BEGIN!

When you are in a dark place and it seems like your life is over with (as it was with Lazarus), sometimes that is a place where your life can begin. There are times in life we must die to our own ways of doing things; our way of living; the way we spend money; our own selfish desires and wants; die to all matter of sin that so easily beset us. This dark place can be used as a time of reflection, a time to repent, a time to examine what got us to that dark place, a time to seek the face of God and ask Him to help us. He tells us to come unto Him, all that labor and are HEAVY laden and He will give us rest - take His yoke upon us and learn of HIM - for His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Take Jesus to the place where you got off track, stop believing, tell Him where you laid it at. Do this and your situation will change.

Sometimes God will allow you to get to that place just so those watching, those that counted you out, those that thought it was over with for you, will see and know that He is God when He raises you up in front of them as He did with Lazarus. He will call you forward!

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